Legal authority to protect the rights of an elder, child, or a person with a disability can all be obtained through assistance from the Law Office of Virginia Clifford, PLLC of Olympia, WA. We can help you with financial matters, medical decision-making, and guardianship issues.
Guardianship is a court appointed authority to make important decisions for a person with a disability. The decisions can be for medical care, and financial care and can also be made for the future well-being of the individual. Virginia can also advise you of lesser alternatives to guardianship which may be able to provide the protection needed.
Call us today to keep your loved ones near. We offer assistance in creating a guardianship for someone in your family through friends or relatives. There are less restrictive measures available also - such as durable power of attorney, designated payee, and mental health care directives. If you oppose establishment of a guardianship over you, we can advocate for you as your counsel.
Along with 36 years of experience, Virginia offers you her compassion and skill at our locally owned and operated firm.
For wise counsel, a quick response, and a $100 half-hour initial consultation, call: